What to wear for your first date?

Posted by: Cheapest London Escorts | Date: April 24, 2017

cheapest escortsWe all are usually little jittery when it comes to deciding the getup for the first date and that includes the men too. More than looks, it’s the appearance that matters the most and how your present yourself goes a long way in making or breaking the date. So, here are the tips for both men and women to follow when it comes to dressing up for the coveted date.

Mind the venue and time

Venue and time play a crucial role in deciding on the  type of dress you should wear. Your latest evening dress would be great for a restaurant but not when you are heading for a cool café. If it’s a coffee date, take to something breezy and casual like your short summer dress or the long red skirt that you just got last weekend. For guys, a fine ironed shirt would do good. However, you might get all-dressed up in suit and tie if it’s a posh diner or a club. However, you can go for your favorite jeans and tee if it’s a café.

In regards to the time, both girls and guys should stick to something light yet warm for the day-time dates. If it’s an evening or dinner, you can bring out the bright colors. But then, make sure that they are not too loud.

Don’t experiment

First date is all about playing safe and hence it’s better you don’t try to experiment with the trends or styles. It could be that you might end up looking drop-dead gorgeous and it could also be that you would end up looking like the next dumbo in the line. So, be careful and always follow something that you are at ease with. You can even ask out a friend to suggest an appropriate outfit for you. If you are too confused, go for the shirt or dress which has earned you the maximum compliments. And yes, girls, don’t go for anything that’s too revealing.

Be mindful of the accessories

Girls, accessories are wonderful to complement your attire but you better keep them neat on your first date. If you are wearing a chunky earring, skip the necklace- a ring would be a nice addition though. For guys, a tie and matching cuff links would be really appreciated. But then again, be careful about the venue.

escort londonFootwear

It’s usual for the girls to opt for high heels while on date. They do wonders in assuring the pretty feminine side of the lovely ladies. But then, you can go for flats if you are not exactly comfortable with stilettos. You can also avoid the sneakers this time.

For guys, please do not bring your work shoes on your date, especially on your first date even if you are heading straight from the office. Any other shoe will do, including your sneakers but then make sure the pair complements your overall getup. Remember, girls keep check on the footwear their men wear. And please, do wear a clean, not-so-old and fresh pair of socks.

Do not forget your favorite perfume to complete the look.

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