5 Tips to Remember While Dating a London Escort
London escorts are some of the best creations of God. They are gorgeous, sexy, smart and everything you would want from a true hottie. Are you too aspiring to meet the London escort of your dreams? That’s great but make sure to bring up the best man in you while dating Escorts in London. If you can make them happy, they will make you happier. The post below jots down the 5 things to remember while you date a London escort.
Be dignified with your approach
You should always treat your lady with utmost respect just the way you treat any professional out there. Just because she is giving you her time does not mean she is cheap. She too is a professional and deserves to be treated with courtesy and respect.
Be clean
Every girl likes to be with a clean man and so is an Escorte London. So, make sure to get a proper shower before you meet her. If you are in a rush and haven’t got time to shower, get it after she arrives. Tell her you were busy. She will surely appreciate your efforts and would love to make you happy. Don’t forget to dab the best cologne. Nothing is more irresistible than a nice smelling man. Your Escort London would be delighted.
Trim down
Trim down your beard and nails. Ask the girl beforehand whether she would like you to be clean shaven. If so and if you are not too partial towards your beard, shave it off as a sign of respect.
Be specific about desired services beforehand
Do you have any special service in mind? Is it a BDSM play or anal? Or you were longing for some exciting BBBJ? Well whatever it is, you should be very specific about your desired services beforehand. Mention everything before you fix the date. Some Escorts in London might have some reservations about certain services. If your chosen girl does not agree with your particular service, you can look for another hottie.
Hand over the payment as she arrives
This is one of the most crucial etiquettes to know when you have plans to date an escort. The escort industry prefers the payment to be handed to the girl the moment she arrives. You should respect the tradition and follow the same. And yes, do not haggle or bargain.